Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chapter 7: Male

She actually had a boyfriend?! Nothing could have surprised me more than that.

"I don't believe you."

"You don't have to believe me. Just get lost. I have better things to do than to continue this idle talk. I need to go," she said. "Bye."

She turned on her heel and left without another word, without another look back. I just stood there, looking like a complete goon. How could she choose to be loyal to her boyfriend instead of coming after me?

Perhaps she knew she didn't have a chance. Now that would make more sense. If she had just even a small ray of hope, I bet she'd dump her boyfriend like rotten eggs.

That thought made me smile.

Alright, I'll just give her another 3 days, maybe, I thought. By then, she'd be head over heels in love with me.

That said, I went back into the classroom and sat down right in time for English to end. I wasn't paying attention during lessons after that. Found two more love letters under my desk and wondered why they were getting more frequent. Normally, they'd wait until a few days before the holidays.

After school, I went to the two places stated in the love letters and rejected them firmly before my father picked me up. Once in the car, he asked, "Where's Luke? Is he going home with his parents today?"

"Think so. He wasn't around after school ended. His bag was still in class, though. Maybe he's staying on."

"Alright, then."

We left the school gates. Come to think of it, I had to get prepared for my second Latin-only session with that girl - whose name still escapes me. We agreed to have our sessions at both our houses but alternate days.

Arranged the tables and took out whatever Latin books I could use for the session. 4 o'clock came by and I was expecting the door bell to ring any moment.

However, when half past four came, she had still not arrived. What's taking her so long? I thought, getting impatient. Did she forget?

I decided to wait a bit longer when 4:45 came and I was still waiting, I took my phone and dialed her house.

Beep... beep... beep...

No answer.

She was on her way?

"Dear? Your partner hasn't arrived yet? She's over half an hour late," my mother said, poking her head in. "Perhaps you should go to her house and get her? I think your father can fetch you there."

"That wouldn't be a bad idea. IF she comes here then give Father a call so we'll turn back," I said, walking out the door.

My father and I got into the BMW and drove off, heading towards her house. In the car, I felt my stomach twisting, as if it were a bad sign. We took about 10 minutes to get to her house because of the good traffic.

I got down and rang the door bell, but the door remained closed. I tried to look inside the house through the class but couldn't see anything. I knocked on the door loudly and asked, "Hello? Anyone there?"

No answer.

I turned the door knob - by accident - and realized it was unlocked. I opened the door just a little and asked again, "Is anyone home?" but got no promising results.

Clearing my throat, I decide to go in and investigate. I had already ruled out the possibility she was caught in a jam because it had been smooth for my father and I. She also couldn't have forgotten because I found her Latin books ready like she had them prepared the day before.

"Hah, I told you she couldn't wait to see me," I glowed.

But then where could she be?

Out of the blue, the phone rang and I jumped. Should I answer it? What if they thought I was a robber? But what if it was urgent?

I picked the phone up and answered, "Hello?"

"Lucas, you there already?"

I think my heart must've jolted into a stop. Lucas? Were we talking about my best friend Lucas? And... the voice...

"No, it's not Lucas," I answered.

There was a very awkward pause before the guy answered again, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?!"

It was the 'For' guy.


I turned to the door and saw Lucas standing by it. "What are you doing here?" he asked. He saw the phone in my hand and immediately reached for it, saying, "Forte, is that you? No, that was my friend."

For a moment, everything was a big question mark for me. Why was Luke affiliated with the 'For' guy and what would he be doing at her house?

After Lucas hung up, he faced me and asked, "What are you doing here, Ans?"

"That's my question! Why are you here? And why do you know that guy?" I asked, baffled to an unlimited extent.

"There's no time to explain. Come with me if you want to know," said Lucas, running to a bedroom and getting a suitcase. "Pack a pair of clothes and put them in the bag. Hurry!"

Without much thought, I did as he told me to. I packed a really big shirt and jeans. After that, Lucas returned with the blankets and we got into my father's car.

"Step on it, Mr SJ. Half Moon Hospital," said Lucas.

Whatever my father thought, he considered it to be of large importance and sped off. "May I just ask for a short explanation to why we're rushing to the hospital?"

"A school friend of mine had a heart attack," Lucas said. "I'm helping out."

That was good enough a reason to hang the traffic rules.

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